Reebok’s Club C white sneaker can be worn with anything but you can also make the shoes themselves stand out with these 5 ideas.
We all have a favorite pair of white sneakers. Whether you’re an artist or a skater, whether they’re covered in paint or dirt, they’re on your feet or in your closet somewhere. That’s because they go with everything.
For 35 years one of Reebok’s iconic white sneakers, the Club C, has remained an authentic, understated and simple silhouette that can be worn with every stylistic expression. Originally created for entry to every tennis club, it’s now so much more than a tennis shoe. The Club C is a shoe that demands nothing. When you wear it, there’s no dress code required, it allows you to express yourself through your wardrobe. Now to celebrate 35 years, Reebok has released special version of Club C, a vintage take on the classic silhouette meant for everyone.
But while you’re making your look your own with your jeans, skirts, tops and jackets, it can be easy to forget the sneakers themselves. The sneakers that make it easy to showcase your personal style deserve some love too. There are also so many ways to DIY your Club C’s, so you feel like even more of an individual than you already are. Not sure how? Check out our five DIY ways to one up your white sneaker game and make them your own.
The easiest things to do that makes an immediate impact is to swap out your classic white laces for brighter ones. No one said you had to keep the laces that come with the shoes and it gives them something a little unexpected so you can own the look.
Another simple one is to add or change out the standard eyelets for some bolder choices. This will really allow your white sneakers to stand out, plus you can mix and match the colors to truly make them one of a kind.
We all did this in middle school. Take some markers and just have at it. You can copy designs from artists or write notes all over, whatever fits you best.
Your white sneakers are a blank canvas so fill it in. Take some acrylic paints and brushes and make your own art. You can either plan it out by sketching it first or let your creativity flow and see what comes of it.
If you don’t want to permanently mark up your white kicks opt for some cool pins. They’re easy to take on and off and add just enough individuality. Or if you’re feeling creative, you can glue studs, gems, add stickers or even attempt a patch if you’re feeling inspired.